Here at Studio Orthodontics, we are dedicated to the health of your mouth.

When you are wearing braces, it is very important to care for them properly. Proper care includes being careful about what you eat so that you don’t break your braces. Common sense should tell you what to avoid, but it can be hard to tell sometimes.

Sticky Foods

Sticky foods should be avoided because they can easily get caught in your braces. You should also try to avoid as much sugary food as possible. Since it can be harder to keep your teeth cleaned properly, sugary foods will just cause more tooth decay and other problems.

When it comes to sticky foods, you need to avoid gum at all costs, along with sugar daddies, toffee, caramels, and much more. Licorice, tootsie rolls, and even Starburst candies can cause damage.

Sugary Foods

Sugary foods include cookies, cake, ice cream, and candy.

Though you should avoid certain sugary drinks, it is alright to have soda, sweetened tea, Gatorade, and other drinks with sugar once a day if you must.

Hard Foods

You want to avoid foods that are hard so that they don’t damage your braces.

Hard foods include nuts, ice, and chips. Hard bread and rolls, along with bagels, should be avoided. It can be hard to eat fruits like apples unless you cut them. Uncooked carrots can cause some damage too as can corn on the cob.

You should also avoid chewing on things, because that can also break your braces. Chewing on pens, pencils, and other things needs to be stopped. Nail biting can also be hard on your braces.

When you have braces, you need to check them regularly for loose wires and brackets. If you notice that something is broken, you need to contact us right away.

If you have any questions about the foods you need to avoid, don’t hesitate to contact us today .